W3 servers
Note: this page is here for historical interest
only; the content hasn't been updated since late 1992.
For more up-to-date lists of web servers, see:
This is a list of some WWW servers.
It does not include all servers,
and note that one server machine
can serve many databases. See also:
background on WWW , and data available
by other protocols , data by subject
, how to make a new server , test
servers . If servers are marker
"experimental", you should not expect
anything. The top of the list is
in reverse chronological order of
- National Center for Supercomputing
Applictions, Urbana Champain, IL,
USA. Experimental.
- IN2P3
- Lyon, France.
- Kernfysisch Versneller Instituut
(nuclear physics accelerator institute),
Groningen, Netherlands. VMS server.
- Center of Mathematics and Computer
Science, Amsterdam. FTP server for
hypertext, including Gnu TeXInfo
stuff as hypertext.
- Cornell
- Legal information: US Intellectual
Property Statustes on line.
- ZEUS experiment at DESY, Hamburg,
Germany. [.At least 2 servers]
- KEK, Tsukuba, Japan. Experimental
only. [FTP hypertext, http server
- DESY unix server
- Experimental only
as yet.
- Denmark's Technical Library
- The DTB
information service includes the
library system.
- VOICE magazine
- The first global online
hypertext magazine? Ed. Tom Boutell
- Stanford Linear Accelerator,
California. HEP preprints database
and LOTS more... also a unix server
- Technical University of Graz
- Information
service. Gateway to Hyper-G data.
- CCIT Arizona
- University of Arizona
- Fermilab
- Documentation from online
and offline groups. Also at FNAL,
very experimental servers in Theory
, D0 , HEPnet management , ACCESS
user consultancy .
- ASIS Software Repository
- A server
for public domain and CERN software
for distribution to CERN members
only. The documentation is public.
- CERN news
- Various groups, some more
active than others - see the full
- CERN computing documents
- A keyword
- Hebrew University of Jerusalem
- Information
service - both in hebrew and English,
asssumes a VT terminal with hebrew
characters. See also their TeX database
(July 1992).
- Helsinki Technical University
Information tree.
- Experimental server (might
move!) run by US HEPNet at FNAL.
- Italian physics institute (experimental
- FUNET information
- Finnish Univerity
Research Network.
- The Dutch High-Energy Physics
- Software Technology
- Information from
STING organised by Mike Sendall.
- VXCRNA help
- The VMS help tree on
node vxcrna.cern.ch .
- WorldWideWeb support
- information
about W3 itself, CERN entry point,
and web overviews.
Restricted or difficult access
- SunSite
- The sunsite repository being
set up bu UNC Chapel Hill. (Experimental)
- Xerox PARC
- Private: Access from Xerox.com
only. System33 document server.
- CIS Informationsdienst
- The information
service from the Centrum fuer Informations
und Sprachverarbeitung von Muenchen
(don't panic: they also have it in
English !) Experimental, very slow
line :-(. Times out.
- OMT group
- Private web.
Tim BL